

The 美国化学学会 (ACS) promotes excellence in chemistry education for undergraduate students through a detailed approval process for baccalaureate chemistry programs. The HMC 化学 department has a long history of meeting these standards and being designated as an ACS-approved program. 

当你完成化学专业的学习, joint chem-bio or joint chem-climate major at Harvey Mudd College, you have the opportunity to earn a degree that is also certified by the 美国化学学会. Earning an 美国化学学会 certified chemistry degree means that Harvey Mudd has prepared you for a wide variety of careers relying on chemistry knowledge and skills. 在简历上, you can specify that you earned an ACS certified degree from an ACS-approved 化学 department, and employers will know you have both completed a broad-based and rigorous chemistry major (i.e., the certified degree) and graduated from a 化学 department that meets high standards (i.e.(经批准的程序). All ACS certified degree graduates can connect with the world’s largest scientific community by activating a free three-year membership with the  美国化学学会.

The 美国化学学会 provides some more detail with 这封简短的信. The 美国化学学会’s 专业训练委员会 (CPT) oversees the approval of chemistry programs and certification of 化学 degrees and provides even more information 专业训练委员会

这是一份项目清单 required to complete the ACS certified degree at Harvey Mudd College and a link to the form that graduating seniors should complete to apply for the ACS certified degree. 如果您对ACS认证有任何疑问, 请随时联系你的化学指导老师, 化学系主任, 或者副主席.


The course requirements for graduation with the chemistry major satisfy the ACS certified degree requirements, 所以不需要额外的课程. ……很重要。, 然而, that when you take the elective courses for your major that you select at least 9 units designated as “in-depth,” register for the chemistry course number of any cross-listed course and have satisfied the prerequisite for the in-depth courses with the specified chemistry course(s). If you are unsure about these requirements, please consult with your advisor or the department chair. 申请ACS认证学位,请填写 web表单 provided by the department  and you will receive your ACS certificate upon graduation.

Joint 化学-生物学 Major Requirements for ACS认证学位

In as few as three additional classes, you can earn an ACS certified degree. In addition to the graduation requirements for your joint major, 你需要选修一门额外的基础课程. 具体地说, 而不是选择化学103或化学104, 这两门课你都要上. In addition, you will need to take at least 6 additional credits of in-depth chemistry course(s) (e.g. 2 full (three-credit) class or 3 in-depth half-courses (two-credit classes). 深度课程是非实验室课程, advanced chemistry courses that have foundational chemistry courses as a prerequisite or that have another in-depth course as a prerequisite. It is recommended that you talk with your chemistry advisor or the department chair about your plans to complete the requirements for the ACS certified degree. 申请ACS认证学位,请填写 web表单 provided by the department and you will receive your ACS certificate upon graduation.

Joint 化学-Climate Major Requirements for ACS认证学位

The Joint 化学-Climate major is flexible with several options for courses to be chosen from a list. If you are interested in obtaining an ACS certified degree, talk with your chemistry advisor or the department chair as early as possible so that your choices can be made to meet both the major and the certification requirements. In addition to the graduation requirements for your joint major, you will need to ensure that you take both Chem 104 and Chem 182 to meet the foundation course requirement. In addition, you will need to take at least 3 additional credits of in-depth chemistry course(s) (e.g. 1 full (three-credit) classes or 2 in-depth half-courses (two-credit classes) in addition to the required Chem 170. 深度课程是非实验室课程, advanced chemistry courses that have foundational chemistry courses as a prerequisite or that have another in-depth course as a prerequisite. 最后, you will need to take at least 2 additional laboratory courses (such as Chem 53, 58, 110 or 184). 申请ACS认证学位,请填写 web表单 provided by the department  and you will receive your ACS certificate upon graduation. One sample pathway that leads to ACS certification is shown here:

  • First semester: Math 19, Writ 1, CS5+lab, Bio 46, Bio 23, Phys 23, PE
  • Second semester: Math 73, HSA 10, Phys 24, Chem 42, Chem 24, elective
  • Third semester: Engr 79, Math 82, Chem 51, Chem 53, Phys 51, PE, HSA
  • Fourth semester: Core 79, Phys 50, Chem 103, Chem 109, Math 62, HSA, elective
  • Fifth Semester: CLES 101, Chem 56, Chem 58, Chem 199, Chem In-depth (such as Chem 112), 2x HSA, PE
  • Sixth Semester: CLES 120, Chem 60, Chem 104, Chem 110, CLES 199, 2x HSA
  • 第七学期:课程199,HSA 3,化学151,选修课
  • Eighth Semester: Chem 170, Chem 182, Chem 199, 2x HSA, Chem 152